iGolf Review and Tailored Strategy for Clubs

At Grow Sport, we’ve been carefully reviewing the newly launched iGolf initiative by Golf Ireland, designed to offer non-club members access to an official handicap. While the debate over whether this should have happened will continue, the fact is that it’s now live, and we can’t afford to sit back and wait to see what unfolds.

While this presents a valuable opportunity to attract new players, we also recognise the concerns many clubs, particularly smaller ones, have regarding the potential impact on their membership base.

Mark Ruddy, our CEO, brings a wealth of experience, having worked with a similar model in the UAE under the Emirates Golf Federation (EGF) Membership. "While there are clear differences between Ireland and the UAE in terms of climate and club structures, there are key lessons and strategies that can be applied to help clubs capitalise on iGolf without undermining their current membership."

With over 350 golf clubs across Ireland, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, we recommend a holistic approach that takes into account your club’s size, financial position, location and community dynamics.

Here are a couple of suggestions that might help clubs navigate this shift:
▪️ Evaluate Membership Structures: Clubs should consider reviewing their membership pricing and benefits.
▪️ Focus on offering value beyond a simple handicap, including social engagement, competition access and benefits, which iGolf cannot replicate.
▪️ Engage with iGolf Users: Clubs can use iGolf as a stepping stone, creating events, offers, or social rounds to introduce iGolfers to the club environment. This way, casual golfers can experience the full benefits of membership.
▪️ Collaboration: Engaging with nearby clubs to discuss strategies can help form a united front in your community. Sharing ideas and solutions will ensure clubs within the same region maintain strength and mutual support.

Ultimately, these are just a few suggestions. Every club must develop a strategic plan that aligns with its unique circumstances. Grow Sport is here to assist in creating that customised plan, ensuring the best possible outcome for your club and its members.

Stay tuned for more insights and detailed guidance from Grow Sport.


Managing Your Sports Club's Finances in the Off-Season: A Guide for Irish Clubs